Latihan Soal Bahasa Indonesia UN 2011 Pack 6 - IPS

Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade Decree no. 259/MPP/KEP/7/1997 Date July 30, 1997 on the provisions of Business Registration Procedure of Franchising.
Regulation of the Minister of Industry and Trade Decree no. 31/M-DAG/PER/8/2008 Concerning Franchising.
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Law no. 14 of 2001 on Patents.
Law no. 30 of 2000 regarding Trade Secret.
Many people are still skeptical of legal certainty, especially in the field of franchising in Indonesia. However, the current legal certainty to try to format franchising is much better than before 1997. This can be seen from the increasing number of umbrella laws that can protect the franchise business. The developments of franchising in Indonesia, particularly in the field of fast food restaurants are very rapid. This is possible because our entrepreneurs as a receiver-based franchise (franchisees) are required to develop its business through a master franchise received by searching or appoint franchisee continued. Using the pyramid system or cell system, a network of business format franchise will continue to expand. There are several franchise associations in Indonesia, among others APWINDO (Indonesian Franchise Association), WALI (Franchise & License Indonesia), AFI (Indonesian Franchise Association). There are several franchise consultants in Indonesia, among others IFBM, The Bridge, Hans Consulting, FT Consulting, Ben Warg Consulting, JSI and others. There were several exhibition Franchise in Indonesia which regularly hold roadshows in various regional and national outreach, among others, the International Franchise and Business Concept Expo (Dyandra), License Expo Indonesia (Panorama convex), Info Franchise Expo (Neo and Magazine Indonesia).
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