Soal Bahasa Indonesia Snmptn 2010

"Participants should really seriously and prepare well in advance of the exam," said Executive Secretary of the Local Committee SNMPTN Bandung, Asep Gana Suganda, Thursday (20 / 5) in Bandung.
SNMPTN conducted simultaneously in Indonesia, 16-17 June. In Bandung, the selection held by the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung Institute of Technology, State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati, and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Total participants estimated at 27,000 people. Supervisors who are involved 2,700 people. Up to 0845 yesterday, the number of participants who have to register as many as 13,162 people.
Asep Gana said one of its provisions, participants will not be tolerated late into the exam room. Place the test has been determined in advance and registration marks are written on the card. So, if late, examinees forever barred and must try again next year.
He wished the participants a test to check the location of the exam prior to implementation to anticipate the wrong place. Checking the location is also important to anticipate the unexpected, such as congestion, which could make a late participant.
"Last year many students late to exams for many reasons. Not only participant from outside the area, but also the city of Bandung. Now it will not be tolerated. The candidate immediately fall," he said.
In addition, participants performed the data validation directly in the classroom to prevent negative things, such as indications SNMPTN jockey. If the data proved no match, participants are prohibited to take the test.
July 7
Responding to student concerns national examinees (UN) are afraid of re-registration deadlines past SMPTN, Asep Gana ensure it did not happen. UN graduation announcement re-established on 7 July. There are five days to register before the deadline of July 12 at 16.00.
Concerns arose because the Ministry of National Education set a deadline of re-examination of graduation announcements July 12, right at the deadline. "Do not worry, there is a chance to register," he said.
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The same thing is said to Chairman of West Java UN Asep Hilman. He said the UN graduation announcement for some 14,000 participants repeated in Indonesia confirmed on 7 July, before the time of registration SNMPTN ends. However, he added, if could be accelerated, it would be good news for prospective participants to join UN SNMPTN birthday.
However, Asep Hilman said, most likely Package C UN participants have no chance to follow SNMPTN because of new graduation announcement made in October. Nevertheless, he hoped the UN graduates Package C is not worried about their future. Diplomas they possess can be utilized to enter private universities. According to him, many private colleges are better quality than public universities.
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