Sunday, February 27, 2011

Soal Bahasa Indonesia UN SMP 2010

I do not know what is wrong with the Indonesian language. On the National Examination two weeks ago, a high school student participants complained about the difficulty of UN Indonesian problems they face. This time, the exam the first day of junior high school examination, on Monday (5 / 5), a class IX student SMPN 3 Jakarta who met also complained the same thing. "Pretty hard," he answered when asked a few students this first test day.

Good Herman, one of the students, said, the matter of reading are tested too much so, according to him, too draining the brain. "It's hard really, especially reading ribet! Reading too long, so tired of thinking," he said after attending the UN.

Good Fellow, Riza, also experienced the same thing. In addition to reading comprehension are considered difficult, a class IX student was also trouble in the matter of poetry. "What determines the free rhyme. Tau ah, difficult. How many readings, nyari main idea, the headers, so it should be more careful because aja read. Moreover nemuin answer," he said.

In fact, Riza feel have prepared themselves well for the exam today. Every day, hundreds of problems facing Indonesian working on for the sake of 50 questions that tested. However, students who hope to go to high school 26 or 37 is still optimistic high school graduation. "Despite the very high standard, sure aja deh," he said with a smile.

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Unfortunately, to confirm the complaints from these students, the teachers who teach Indonesian nothing could be found. Therefore, the subject teachers deliberately excluded as subjects taught will be tested.

IX class students across Indonesia will determine graduation for 4 days, from 5 to 8 May. Subjects tested this year is Indonesian, English, Mathematics, and Science.

Graduation standards must have a minimum average value of 5.25 for all subjects tested, with no value below 4.25. Or, has a value of at least 4 in one subject with a value of at least 6 other subjects.


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